A message from Richard Green, Director
On behalf of all of the team at NGO Recruitment, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our clients and candidates for all of your support during 2021.
After the shock of 2020 which saw staff recruitment grind to a halt, a sizable percentage of the NFP, NGO and charity sectors bounced back in 2021. The mainstream and sector specific job boards reported a record number of vacancies as the sector searched for new staff to fill a back-log of roles. This year NGO Recruitment worked with more than 100 Australian and international organisations to recruit hundreds of complex and technical roles with a 100% success rate.
We’re very proud of our recruitment achievements, but some of our proudest work in 2021 includes recruiting for the Blue Knot Foundation and their National Centre of Excellence for Complex Trauma. We recruited a broad range of counsellors and support staff for the National Counselling & Referral Service and the Helpline & Redress Support Service supporting adult survivors of childhood trauma and abuse and their families and supporters.
Other major achievements in 2021 included recruiting crucial roles for Coordinare – the NSW South Coast PHN, The Front Project – the national early childhood education enterprise, Suicide Prevention Australia and the NSW/ACT Aboriginal Legal Service. Not to forget the roles we recruited for Canteen Australia to place the State Director, Queensland Youth Cancer Service, Head of Patient Programs and Head of Service Delivery & Engagement as well as the senior management team for Plan Australia following a major restructure.
Internationally we recruited senior roles in Japan, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Fiji, Hong Kong and Thailand. A noticeable shift this year towards hiring climate change campaigners for internationally based client organisations such as the European Climate Foundation and The Sunrise Project, all gearing up to take on the fossil fuel industry in Asia.
Not forgetting the many CEO positions we have recruited this year. A shout out to Tracey Dillon (Tasmanian Aboriginal Legal Service), Sue Webeck (Domestic Violence Crisis Service in Canberra), Andrew Woodward (Rotary Australia), Kathy Beverley (Coast Country Primary Care), Ursula Stephens (Australian Catholic Safeguarding), Adam Phillips (Grand Pacific Health), Tracey Gaudry (Community Plus) and Helen Small (Maltese Community Council).
Our temporary and contract staff division continues to expand with the service now covering in NSW, ACT, QLD, VIC, TAS and SA. During the year we released our NFP Hiring Insights and Salary Snapshot for 2021, surveying 100 Australian NFP’s on their hiring intentions during the pandemic and presented the results alongside the NGO Recruitment salary guide.
We have recently welcomed two new senior consultants to our team; Gemma Shade in Melbourne and Hayley Martin in Sydney – two highly experienced consultants who have hit the ground running. Welcome!
On behalf of NGO Recruitment I’d like to thank you again and wish you a happy and safe Christmas break and we’ll see you in 2022!
Christmas holiday dates
NGO Recruitment will be closed from Christmas Day and re-open on the 4th January. If you’re looking to recruit a new member of staff please call us – we’re here until Christmas eve or for a new career adventure in 2022 please click here to see our current assignments.