Butterfly Foundation and NGO Recruitment
In 2018, NGO Recruitment partnered with Butterfly Foundation to search for a new CEO to take the organisation to the next level. The successful placement of Kevin Barrow by Richard Green, Director, NGO Recruitment, in early 2019 marked the beginning of a strong recruitment partnership between the two organisations.
NGO Recruitment has since been instrumental in sourcing key lead roles for Butterfly Foundation including Head of Finance, Head of Communications and Marketing, and Clinical Director, based in Sydney; Manager Research and Knowledge and Philanthropy Manager, based in Melbourne; and the Residential Clinical Director and Project Manager for the Foundation’s new residential treatment facility on Queensland’s
Sunshine Coast, the first of its kind to be built in Australia.
Due to the unique nature of this facility, NGO Recruitment conducted national and international searches including potential candidates in the US and the UK who had experience in a model of care new to Australian practice. After an extensive search, Dr Zach de Beer, who had worked in similar eating disorder treatment facilities in the UK, was appointed as the Residential Clinical Director.
With highly-experienced, senior consultants based in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, NGO Recruitment was able to offer a truly national team dedicated to working together to achieve the best
possible recruitment outcomes. NGO Recruitment continues to partner with Butterfly Foundation and has recently sourced a new Care Navigator and Outreach Coordinator for Butterfly’s Sunshine Coast Eating Disorders Access Trial.
Roles Recruited
- Chief Executive Officer
- Head of Communications & Engagement
- Head of Operations
- Head of Finance & Administration
- National Clinical Director
- Residential Clinical Director endED Butterfly House
- Project Manager endED Butterfly House Operations Establishment
- National Philanthropy Manager
- Manager Knowledge Research & Policy
- Lived Experience Lead
- Care Navigator & Outreach Coordinator
- Human Resource Coordinator
- Data Administrator